Australia - Why do Australian kids need their teeth pulled?

Amie Meehan
11/02/2008 10:00:00 AM.
Thousands of children under five had teeth pulled or had fillings last year, as dentists warn not drinking tap water could be behind the high numbers.Official health department figures show nearly 800 youngsters had such severe problems with their teeth they needed root canal therapy.Professor Hans Zoellner from the Association for the Promotion of Oral Health says children aren't getting enough fluoride.“Most dental disease is entirely preventable and I think it’s clearly the case that inadequate fluoridation – especially in country areas as well as across the rest of Australia… is contributing to this very high rate of dental disease.”Much of Australia’s water in regional areas remains unflouridated.
parents need to no how much flouride is needed in toothpaste the dentist just told me that oer 6 years of age should use normal toothpaaste is 0.221w/w sodium flouride enough for young children
what is the right amount?
or a toothpaste with 500ppm flouride equal or less than
Anonymous, at 12 July, 2008
It is a bit of a minefield and I don't think the dentists are the best ones to ask. About 26 years ago I gave my son tablets and then tried to get his teeth painted with fluoride but he was sick so we stopped that and that is when I became aware fluoride is a poison. He developed fluorosis from too much fluoride.
One thing more important than fluoride is diet, cut out the sugar and the acid drinks. In the third world where they don't have sugar they keep their teeth.
Bill, at 12 July, 2008
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