USA - Geoff Oldfather: Should I get the BMW or the Benz with my fluoride payola?
News Columns Geoff Oldfather: Should I get the BMW or the Benz with my fluoride payola?
By Geoff Oldfather (Contact)Thursday, January 31, 2008 Robert Yamin, a Stuart resident opposed to fluoride, compares fluoridation of the water to Auschwitz concentration camp and calls one commissioner psychotic and then says fluoride supporters will "go to hell," during a city of Stuart commission meeting prior to Tuesday's referendum. PDF: FUSS workshop schedule for parents and teens at Jensen Beach High School. More News Columns Anthony Westbury: Sand mine holds ancient fossils Russ Lemmon: 'Sons' photos, '63 Piper ad are traces of history Laurence Reisman: Tax break, rebate welcome, but consequences troubling Share and Enjoy [?]''Yup, I'm taking bribes — just ask the name-callers
''"I realize these people for what they are — yellers and screamers," says one victim of anti-fluoride assault
Help me decide.
Should I get the BMW or the 'Benz?
The Beemer Z3 is one cool ride, but the Mercedes-Benz I'm looking at comes in my favorite color, a beautiful shade of sky blue.
I've got to buy something with all the payola I've received for advocating in favor of fluoride in drinking water.
That's one of the accusations the anti-fluoride extremists leveled at me and everyone else who disagreed with them.
I'm part of a dark and well-paid conspiracy.
It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
Thankfully, in the city of Stuart fluoride vote, common sense won over fear mongering.
Legitimate science grounded in more than five decades of studies won over quackery.
And moderate, reasoned debate — a give and take where both sides present their points of view and people decide based on facts — won over hysterics and hyperbole.
Every column I wrote and every story we published quoted people on both sides.
Additionally, we told people about anti-fluoride Web sites like as well as Web sites supported by the American Dental Association and other proponents. We published excerpts from studies that claim fluoride is dangerous and excerpts from studies showing it's safe.
That wasn't good enough. And because the extremists knew they were losing the debate, they resorted to name-calling and character assassination.
"I was called a liar. I was accused of taking payoffs. I was accused of being part of a conspiracy with (Stuart city commissioner Mike) Mortel and taking trillions of dollars," said Dr. David Boden, a local dentist with the Healthy Smiles Project who argued in favor of fluoridation.
"My skin's certainly gotten a little thicker, and I don't really care any more what they call me. I realize these people for what they are — yellers and screamers. And they don't typically get their way in the long run," Boden said.
Mortel fared no better. Of course not. He was part of the conspiracy.
"Boden and I were accused of being co-conspirators who had a lot of money to gain, trillions of dollars. One of the opponents who spoke against fluoride at one of our meetings called me seven or eight derogatory names," Mortel said.
I can tell you one thing: Not once did I see or hear a supporter of fluoride resort to name-calling to get their point across.
"People who sink to that level have no credibility at all," Mortel said.
"That's an act of last resort when someone isn't using or doesn't have the facts on their side to resolve a dispute," Mortel said.
I couldn't have said it better.
Meantime, I've decided.
I'm getting the 'Beemer. And I've a suggestion for those who accused me of payola and worse because they had nothing better in their ammo can.
A new ride of their own.
How about a hot air balloon to the land of Oz?
Link to sound track
By Geoff Oldfather (Contact)Thursday, January 31, 2008 Robert Yamin, a Stuart resident opposed to fluoride, compares fluoridation of the water to Auschwitz concentration camp and calls one commissioner psychotic and then says fluoride supporters will "go to hell," during a city of Stuart commission meeting prior to Tuesday's referendum. PDF: FUSS workshop schedule for parents and teens at Jensen Beach High School. More News Columns Anthony Westbury: Sand mine holds ancient fossils Russ Lemmon: 'Sons' photos, '63 Piper ad are traces of history Laurence Reisman: Tax break, rebate welcome, but consequences troubling Share and Enjoy [?]''Yup, I'm taking bribes — just ask the name-callers
''"I realize these people for what they are — yellers and screamers," says one victim of anti-fluoride assault
Help me decide.
Should I get the BMW or the 'Benz?
The Beemer Z3 is one cool ride, but the Mercedes-Benz I'm looking at comes in my favorite color, a beautiful shade of sky blue.
I've got to buy something with all the payola I've received for advocating in favor of fluoride in drinking water.
That's one of the accusations the anti-fluoride extremists leveled at me and everyone else who disagreed with them.
I'm part of a dark and well-paid conspiracy.
It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
Thankfully, in the city of Stuart fluoride vote, common sense won over fear mongering.
Legitimate science grounded in more than five decades of studies won over quackery.
And moderate, reasoned debate — a give and take where both sides present their points of view and people decide based on facts — won over hysterics and hyperbole.
Every column I wrote and every story we published quoted people on both sides.
Additionally, we told people about anti-fluoride Web sites like as well as Web sites supported by the American Dental Association and other proponents. We published excerpts from studies that claim fluoride is dangerous and excerpts from studies showing it's safe.
That wasn't good enough. And because the extremists knew they were losing the debate, they resorted to name-calling and character assassination.
"I was called a liar. I was accused of taking payoffs. I was accused of being part of a conspiracy with (Stuart city commissioner Mike) Mortel and taking trillions of dollars," said Dr. David Boden, a local dentist with the Healthy Smiles Project who argued in favor of fluoridation.
"My skin's certainly gotten a little thicker, and I don't really care any more what they call me. I realize these people for what they are — yellers and screamers. And they don't typically get their way in the long run," Boden said.
Mortel fared no better. Of course not. He was part of the conspiracy.
"Boden and I were accused of being co-conspirators who had a lot of money to gain, trillions of dollars. One of the opponents who spoke against fluoride at one of our meetings called me seven or eight derogatory names," Mortel said.
I can tell you one thing: Not once did I see or hear a supporter of fluoride resort to name-calling to get their point across.
"People who sink to that level have no credibility at all," Mortel said.
"That's an act of last resort when someone isn't using or doesn't have the facts on their side to resolve a dispute," Mortel said.
I couldn't have said it better.
Meantime, I've decided.
I'm getting the 'Beemer. And I've a suggestion for those who accused me of payola and worse because they had nothing better in their ammo can.
A new ride of their own.
How about a hot air balloon to the land of Oz?
Link to sound track
Did you just label those that disagree with fluoridation as just a bunch of yellers and screamers? I have been discussing this issue at city commissions and have yet been called a yeller and screamer. Its about current science and have the health dept , EPA, CDC,FDA ,dentists for the most part lacking knowledge of the majority of current research. Most operate from a modest number of talking points with some exceptions. I hope this latest article isn't your best work. You might be better served by trying to open your mind to both sides or was this your best shot? The simple fact is the experts seemed to miss mentioning increased exposure to fluoride always results in increased dental fluorosis. About 50% more children will have defective enamel for the rest of their life. The benefits of fluoride are topical if any and it is a cumulative toxin with half or more of all taken in storing in bones and other tissue forever. Fluoride is more toxic then lead and leaches lead from pipes and brass especially when used with chlorine or chloramine(up to 900% increase). Maas 2007. The product is from pollution scrubers ordered by EPA in about 1975 and these phosphate plants also produced uranium yellow cake at that time. Now they just leave the uranium in the products. A new 200 million dollar uranium plant is scheduled in Plant City in about 5 years as the price is yellowcake is way up now. You had a change to do a good job and settled way short. You seem to have the ability just not the desire. The hundreds or gallons per hour to be toxic missed the whole point of cumulative buildup. 60 year old theory wins over current science. The fact that 48% of the voters did not want fluoridation should be cause for concern as the print and tv was so pro fluoride. Most never do any research and let health professionals do their thinking.
Unknown, at 03 February, 2008
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