UK - Extra cash to boost dentists

By Sarah Kelly
MORE cash is being poured into dentistry in a bid to tackle Calderdale's appalling teeth.
The move is part of work being done to meet 24 recommendations made after a massive investigation re-vealed the shocking state of the district's oral health.
They include considering putting fluoride in the drinking water.
Members of Calderdale Council's health and social care scrutiny panel have been given a progress report on the steps being taken to improve people's teeth.
It includes a response by health chiefs who said they would welcome the council's support in obtaining a balanced view when water fluoridation was discussed and consulted on.
They also said they are already putting over £500,000 into dentistry across the borough.
Calderdale Primary Care Trust say they are keen to support the council in training school governors about the importance of promoting oral health to children.
There are also plans to increase the profile of the primary care trust's oral health promotion team and more dental visits to elderly people in homes.
Health and social care scrutiny chair Coun Bob Metcalfe said: "Evidence has shown that West Yorkshire has the worst oral health in the country. This is a vital issue that needs to be addressed by the council and it's partners.
"I am pleased that everyone involved is taking action and that progress is being made. However, it is still early days and we will continue to closely monitor the situation to ensure that the oral health of people in Calderdale improves."
The Courier revealed in August shocking figures which show Calderdale people have some of the worst teeth and gums in the country.
A third of residents are not seeing a dentist, and some parents are failing to have their children's teeth examined early enough.
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