USA - It's not baby talk: Youngsters getting more cavities

Scripps Howard News Service
Monday, October 15, 2007
At 4 years old, Kylie Metcalf needed a dentist big time. A trip to the tooth doctor revealed a cavity count of 11.
Health Etc. for October 15, 2007
"I was shocked," said mom Kristi Metcalf, while sitting with her daughter, now 5, in the waiting room of Corona, Calif., pediatric dentist R. James Richardson II before a routine checkup. "We brushed and flossed since she was little."
For Haley Moscowitz, 3, a recent visit to Richardson also found tooth decay. Two cavities meant two fillings for the pint-sized patient. "She's only 3. It seems so young," said mom Christine Moscowitz, while holding her daughter's hand as Richardson discreetly gave Haley an injection of "sleepy juice."
Kylie and Haley represent a worrying trend: Cavities in the preschool-age crowd are on the rise. While cavities decreased in permanent teeth, a new study shows 28 percent of 2- to 5-year-old children surveyed from 1999 to 2004 had cavities compared with 24 percent of children surveyed from 1988 to 1994.
For the past four decades, tooth decay in baby teeth had been decreasing. But the latest federal report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides the first statistical evidence that this trend is reversing, dental experts say.
Reasons for the upswing were not studied, but experts say the troubling pattern shows the preschool-age crowd might be getting too much sugar and not enough fluoride and not brushing properly. "I see so much decay," said pediatric dentist Roy Beam, of Kids World Children's Dentistry in Riverside. "Baby teeth are just like adult teeth. They will decay."
Richardson's days are also busy filling the cavities of small children, many younger than 5, he said. The grape-flavored relaxing laughing gas, the aquarium with bright-colored clown fish and the token-taking machines stuffed with prizes make filling the cavities easier, but tooth decay in young children is never pleasant, he said.
"A deep cavity in a baby tooth hurts," Richardson said. The key is early prevention, experts say. The American Dental Association recommends a child visit the dentist by age 1. There are several factors in the upswing. "Kids are eating more prepackaged meals, less fruits and veggies, and more items that are presweetened," said Dr. Bruce Dye, of the National Center for Health Statistics.
Dr. James Crall, chair of UCLA's pediatric dentistry program, agrees. "All the food contributing to the obesity epidemic is detrimental to teeth," he said
Snacks with simple carbohydrates, such as crackers, fruit snacks, pasta and cereal, are also likely contributors, said Dr. Mary Hayes, a Chicago pediatric dentist and spokeswoman for the American Dental Association. "It's this idea of grazing," she said. "With the wrong foods, you are simply allowing the bacteria to thrive and causing an acid attack on the tooth more often."
It's the same story with a child sipping juice all day or going to bed with a bottle.
Hayes advises no more than 4 ounces of juice a day. After that, she considers it candy water. Experts say another issue contributing to the climb in youngsters' cavities is the growing number of bottled water drinkers.
Dr. R. James Richardson II checks on 18-month-old Lorelei Leonard's teeth during her first dental visit.
Bottled water typically doesn't contain enough fluoride to prevent decay, according to the American Dental Association.
"If you chose not to use fluoridated water, you are removing that chance for prevention and success," Hayes said.
Parents should also help their children brush. Unless kids can tie their shoes, they do not have the motor skills to brush properly, Hayes said.
Dentists suggest brushing twice a day. Begin using a pea-size amount of fluoridated toothpaste once the child turns 2 years old.
A princess toothbrush has made brushing more fun for Haley, mom Christine Moscowitz said. "It's kid-friendly and she can relate to it," Moscowitz said.
For Brooke Dieterle, 5, of Riverside, it's the watermelon toothpaste that gets her brushing. "I don't know what we'd do without it," mom Kelli Dieterle, 42, said.
Why brush? "Because if you don't, your teeth might get stinky," Brooke said.
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