USA - Fluoridation Foes Get an Unexpected Ally

September 11th 2007 4:34pmThe crusade against fluoridating Oregon's drinking water got a major boost last month from an unexpected ally—one Lake Oswego dentist.
Dr. Bill Osmonson co-sponsored three ballot initiatives for the November ballot that would put strict limits on the use of industrial byproducts, commonly used to fluoridate drinking systems. "Fluoride in drinking water does more harm than good," said Osmonson. Strange talk from a dentist, whose ilk has been pushing fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay, on patients since the 1950s. But Osmonson says the danger of lead and mercury byproducts of fluoridation of the water supply far outweigh the dental health benefits.
A bill mandating fluoridation for water supplies serving more than 10,000 people almost made it to a floor vote in the last legislative session in Salem.
Over the years, Osmonson has noticed unsightly white spots on the teeth of his Lake Oswego patients because of overfluoridation. Lake Oswego's water district, like the majority of districts across Oregon, does not add fluoride. "They're already getting too much," said Osmonson. "Why do they need more?"
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Lane writes on Sep 11th, 2007 7:04pmComment 1 | Respond
"They're already getting too much," said Osmonson. "Why do they need more?"
I asked this question to my Dentist (that was pushing Community Fluoridation)
and he could not tell me my existing exposure level to Fluoride, but wanted me to have more(malpractice).
He also said "he did not have time to study Fluoride because he had his work and a family".
Personally, I think anyone pushing an agenda, esp. one that involves forcing medication on an entire community (regardless of age or health) should be required to be fully educated on the subject.
But I have discovered that most Dentists are woefully ignorant about the fluoride (Hydrofluorosilicic acid) that they blindly zealously endorse.
I had to go on the defense to protect my Family from his lack of Knowledge.
Kudos to Dr. Bill Osmonson for bravely telling the truth that other Dentists choose to ignore.
Weaver Family
Trevor L. writes on Sep 11th, 2007 7:16pmComment 2 | Respond
To repeat the argument again: you have two schools of thought fighting this issue. The first stands to profit from floridation. The second does not, but fights on anyway. Seems to me that if there is *any* question in the safety of floridation, one would look to the group that is fighting without profit as an agenda. After all, we the people have *never* been thrown under the bus strictly for profit.
Fluoride Action Network writes on Sep 12th, 2007 5:58amComment 3 | Respond
Take Action to End Fluoridation
Online Petition to End Fluoridation and call for a Congressional Hearing
Sponsored by the Fluoride Action Network FluorideAction.Net
Bad Boy Brown writes on Sep 12th, 2007 10:26amComment 4 | Respond
Yet another NUTJOB jumping on the anti-Flouride bandwagon. Of course, since he's a dentist guess who gets to fill all those extra cavities and do those spendy root canals.
Jessica writes on Sep 12th, 2007 12:28pmComment 5 | Respond
You are all insane!
I wish oregon had flouride in the water when I was growning up.
Seriosly, you guys sound like a bunch of goofballs.
nyscof writes on Sep 12th, 2007 1:43pmComment 6 | Respond
Modern science shows that fluoridation is ineffective at reducing tooth decay, harmful to health and a waste of tax dollars
For More Information:
Fluoridation News Releases
Tooth Decay Crises in Fluoridated Areas
Fluoride Action Network www.FluorideAction.Net
Fluoride Journal www.FluorideResearch.Org
Carol writes on Sep 12th, 2007 1:59pmComment 7
SMSDW writes on Sep 12th, 2007 2:57pmComment 8 | Respond
Kudos to Dr. Osmunson and the many other good dentists who have sobered up to the under-publicized abuses/dangers of fluoride and the dreadful industrial fluoridation chemicals.
This awakening can inspire others to realize that ***not even one** TOXICOLOGICAL-CHRONICITY STUDY can be identifiied that demonstrates the long term health safety for ingesting
water fluoridated by hydrofluosilicic acid. The US EPA has acknowledged that.
I trust the media and more in Oregon will someday check this out.
Kim writes on Sep 12th, 2007 4:02pmComment 9 | Respond
Bravo to Dr. Osmundson for stating the obvious: fluoride does more harm than good. The fact that a third of American children have fluorosis is evidence that we are already getting too much. Those pushing fluoridation are asking water districts to add an unapproved and unmonitored "medication" into the public drinking water supply without any consideration given to our individual size, weight or health status. Even the American Dental Association says fluoridated water shouldn't be used to reconsitute infant formula. If we can't give it to babies, we shouldn't be putting it in the water! Trevor L is right. If you look at who's profiting from the practice of fluoridation, it all becomes quite obvious.
Carol writes on Sep 12th, 2007 4:56pmComment 10 | Respond
The real "goofballs" are those who choose to remain ignorant of the incontrovertible facts in this issue and, instead, resort to name calling. It should be noted that the 2000 Nobel Laureate for Medicine is one of more than 600 professional signatories on a Petition to Congress calling for an end to fluoridation. Dr. Arvid Carlsson states, "Fluoridation is against all principles of modern pharmacology. It's really obsolete."
Science is never a closed book. The world is not flat and fluoridation is not safe. God bless Dr.Osmunson for eschewing the parrot cage, and telling it like it is.
Carol writes on Sep 12th, 2007 11:52pmComment 13
brahaaha! Nutty goofball!
Dan writes on Sep 12th, 2007 5:29pmComment 11 | Respond
Politically appointed USA-EPA management is primarily in complicity to allow Silicofluorides to be sold and metered into our precious USA drinking waters. However, recently around 7,000 EPA �professional career Scientists, Toxicologists, and professional field health workers signed a Petition to EPA top Management requesting �fluoridation� be stopped. Read the PR Announcement at:
On March, 2006 a 'balanced' distinguished dozen group of Scientists on a National Research Council/National Academy of Science Panel, after 3-1/2 years of their intensely studying recent 'peer reviewed' published 'Fluoride' SCIENCE as related to possible health endangerment issued a 507 page REPORT in bound book format concerning ALL that they learned and concluded with 'Recommendations'. One essential Conclusion was that the current USA governmental set maximum established levels for fluoride in drinking water are NOT Protective especially of children from 'fluorosis', and lifetime 'Bone damage' and other bodily damage! You can read the entire Report 'FREE' on Internet, or purchase a copy by going to:
Learn more about the deceit of so called 'fluoridation' by reading the just published book by Christopher Bryson entitled, "the fluoride deception". Ask for a copy at your local library or purchase the Book, online or local bookstore. Also, you can view a summation of what Bryson describes using scientific investigation by turning on your speakers and going to:
Anita Knight writes on Sep 12th, 2007 6:57pmComment 12 | Respond
Those who think it is ok, need only to call the utilities department, request the American Water Works Association, AWWA Standard for Fluorosilicic Acid B703-06, and be prepared for shock at the contaminants on page 13. The Foreword gives source and process evolving the fluoridation agents.
Comment on the "Fluoridation Foes Get an Unexpected Ally" article
I notice comments above from two individuals that believe forced fluoride-waste dosing should be kept.
One calls opponents "Nutjobs" another calls opponents "goofballs".
They have learnt well the only response to fluoride critics. This is practiced from the top down. There are no answers to the cogent arguments and science against fluoride....except to try to isolate, caricature, mock and humiliate the messengers.
This is part of marketing tactics used to promote fluoride use. It is backed by bick bucks.
(1)First try to ignore the arguments of opposition. (2)Portray an opposition that gets through as weird or wacky.
It is a loathesome and shoddy way to fake debate. It is redolent of the imprisoning of dissidents in the former Soviet Union as "mentally ill" for disagreeing with authority.
You can read John Colquhoun's admission that this is what he used to do when he was a leading advocate of fluoridation and NZ Principle Dental Officer.
Fluoride made me ill. It causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome. And it may be causing the huge epidemic of IBS we see today. (Remember to cut out Tea, which is very high in fluoride, if testing this). I've been perfectly well for over a decade since avoiding Fluoride.
Anonymous, at 19 September, 2007
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