USA - Fluoridated water will come to residents
Fluoridated water will come to residents
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Newport Beach and Costa Mesa residents will get fluoridated drinking water — most of them for the first time — beginning in November. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California will start adding fluoride to water at the Robert B. Diemer Treatment Plant, which serves Newport and Costa Mesa.
City Utilities Director Steve Myrter said some fluoride occurs naturally in groundwater, but a larger amount is required to provide fluoride’s dental health benefits. The water district’s board agreed in 2003 to add fluoride to local water supplies at the request of county health officials and dental associations, district spokesman Bob Muir said.
The city of Newport Beach will inform residents about the fluoridation via a flier in upcoming water bills. For more information, call the city utilities department at (949) 644-3011 or visit the Metropolitan Water District online at fluoridation/index.html.
— Alicia Robinson
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There are 4 comment(s) comments on this story:
lane wrote on Aug 31, 2007 6:43 PM:
" After 60 years of fluoridation reaching 2/3 of Americans on public water supplies, virtually 100% via the food supply, Americans are fluoride overdosed, cavities are rising, dentists make more money than physicians but work fewer days & hours dong less critical work. 80% won't treat Medicaid patients., 40% of US - no dental insurance "
EBB wrote on Aug 31, 2007 1:35 PM:
" Fluoride is definitely bad for you! Ref: "Experts Advise", This article points out the dangers of Fluoride and sources. Also check out the following website: Call the Costa Mesa Water Department and complain and let them know you do not want Fluoride added to Costa Mesa's and Newport Beach. Also read: Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson "
Maureen Jones wrote on Aug 31, 2007 8:48 AM:
" The 25% of children who experience 80% of all tooth decay suffer from high levels of bacteria on their teeth. The bacteria is usually transmitted from a mother with active tooth decay when she tastes food from baby’s spoon. The bacteria colonies thrive on repeated exposure to sugars in Baby Bottles and Sippy Cups. (It is literally the acidic poop from the bacteria that causes the holes we call decay.) The bacteria may even colonize in difficult-to-clean lids of Sippy Cups. Fluoridated water does not kill the strep mutan bacteria responsible for tooth decay. "
Experts Advise: Avoid Fluoridated Water wrote on Aug 31, 2007 2:31 AM:
" In a statement released August 9, 2007, over 600 dentists, physicians, scientists and environmentalists urge Congress to stop water fluoridation until Congressional hearings are conducted. They cite new scientific evidence that fluoridation, long promoted to fight tooth decay, is ineffective and has serious health risks. ( Take Action to End Fluoridation Online Petition to End Fluoridation and call for a Congressional Hearing Sponsored by the Fluoride Action Network http://FluorideAction.Net "
Reader Feedback - Currently 4 comment(s) Comments
Newport Beach and Costa Mesa residents will get fluoridated drinking water — most of them for the first time — beginning in November. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California will start adding fluoride to water at the Robert B. Diemer Treatment Plant, which serves Newport and Costa Mesa.
City Utilities Director Steve Myrter said some fluoride occurs naturally in groundwater, but a larger amount is required to provide fluoride’s dental health benefits. The water district’s board agreed in 2003 to add fluoride to local water supplies at the request of county health officials and dental associations, district spokesman Bob Muir said.
The city of Newport Beach will inform residents about the fluoridation via a flier in upcoming water bills. For more information, call the city utilities department at (949) 644-3011 or visit the Metropolitan Water District online at fluoridation/index.html.
— Alicia Robinson
Reader Feedback
There are 4 comment(s) comments on this story:
lane wrote on Aug 31, 2007 6:43 PM:
" After 60 years of fluoridation reaching 2/3 of Americans on public water supplies, virtually 100% via the food supply, Americans are fluoride overdosed, cavities are rising, dentists make more money than physicians but work fewer days & hours dong less critical work. 80% won't treat Medicaid patients., 40% of US - no dental insurance "
EBB wrote on Aug 31, 2007 1:35 PM:
" Fluoride is definitely bad for you! Ref: "Experts Advise", This article points out the dangers of Fluoride and sources. Also check out the following website: Call the Costa Mesa Water Department and complain and let them know you do not want Fluoride added to Costa Mesa's and Newport Beach. Also read: Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson "
Maureen Jones wrote on Aug 31, 2007 8:48 AM:
" The 25% of children who experience 80% of all tooth decay suffer from high levels of bacteria on their teeth. The bacteria is usually transmitted from a mother with active tooth decay when she tastes food from baby’s spoon. The bacteria colonies thrive on repeated exposure to sugars in Baby Bottles and Sippy Cups. (It is literally the acidic poop from the bacteria that causes the holes we call decay.) The bacteria may even colonize in difficult-to-clean lids of Sippy Cups. Fluoridated water does not kill the strep mutan bacteria responsible for tooth decay. "
Experts Advise: Avoid Fluoridated Water wrote on Aug 31, 2007 2:31 AM:
" In a statement released August 9, 2007, over 600 dentists, physicians, scientists and environmentalists urge Congress to stop water fluoridation until Congressional hearings are conducted. They cite new scientific evidence that fluoridation, long promoted to fight tooth decay, is ineffective and has serious health risks. ( Take Action to End Fluoridation Online Petition to End Fluoridation and call for a Congressional Hearing Sponsored by the Fluoride Action Network http://FluorideAction.Net "
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