Reference contradicts the N.Z. Ministry's claim
Reference contradicts the Ministry's claim
Sunday, 18 March 2007, 3:07 pm
Press Release: Fluoride Action Network
Media Release
Ministry of Health's infant formula fluoride reference contradicts the Ministry's claim
The Ministry of Health has claimed the ADA's warning that infant formula NOT be made up with fluoridate water is not applicable in NZ because, in part, "Infant formula is regulated under Standard 2.9.1 of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. When the Standard was developed, consideration was given to the fact that fluoridated tap water would be used in the reconstitution of powdered infant formula in New Zealand." This statement was part of the Ministry's official press release.
In fact the background report to this standard, obtained under the Official Information Act, states that the standard was set based on not just unfluoridated water, but on fluoride-free (distilled) water. "The Ministry has simply told the public a blatant bare-faced lie. It is absolutely appalling. Heads need to roll over this" proclaims Mark Atkin, of Fluoride Action Network (NZ). The report even states essentially the same warning as the ADA, for an even lower level of exposure:
"[The advisory] statement on infant formula labels [to consult a doctor about the risk of dental fluorosis if the set level (0.17mcg/100KJ) was exceeded] was proposed for infant formula powders containing levels above 0.5 mg/L when reconstituted with fluorine free water." (emphasis added) "At the levels given the formula may not cause dental fluorosis if prepared with water that has been distilled. However, if used with fluoridated water it may cause fluorosis."
The report goes on to reiterate the point:
"Sources of products that may contribute to excess fluoride ingestion in infants are fluoridated water, infant formula (reconstituted with optimally fluoridated water), "
"The Ministry is obviously determined to tell the NZ public any lie it has to to cover up its fundamentally flawed policy - one that it is politically committed to protecting at any cost. Both National and Labour have been committed to perpetrating the great lie about fluoridation for 50 years. Obviously they won't stop lying until they are forced to" observes Mr Atkin.
Sunday, 18 March 2007, 3:07 pm
Press Release: Fluoride Action Network
Media Release
Ministry of Health's infant formula fluoride reference contradicts the Ministry's claim
The Ministry of Health has claimed the ADA's warning that infant formula NOT be made up with fluoridate water is not applicable in NZ because, in part, "Infant formula is regulated under Standard 2.9.1 of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. When the Standard was developed, consideration was given to the fact that fluoridated tap water would be used in the reconstitution of powdered infant formula in New Zealand." This statement was part of the Ministry's official press release.
In fact the background report to this standard, obtained under the Official Information Act, states that the standard was set based on not just unfluoridated water, but on fluoride-free (distilled) water. "The Ministry has simply told the public a blatant bare-faced lie. It is absolutely appalling. Heads need to roll over this" proclaims Mark Atkin, of Fluoride Action Network (NZ). The report even states essentially the same warning as the ADA, for an even lower level of exposure:
"[The advisory] statement on infant formula labels [to consult a doctor about the risk of dental fluorosis if the set level (0.17mcg/100KJ) was exceeded] was proposed for infant formula powders containing levels above 0.5 mg/L when reconstituted with fluorine free water." (emphasis added) "At the levels given the formula may not cause dental fluorosis if prepared with water that has been distilled. However, if used with fluoridated water it may cause fluorosis."
The report goes on to reiterate the point:
"Sources of products that may contribute to excess fluoride ingestion in infants are fluoridated water, infant formula (reconstituted with optimally fluoridated water), "
"The Ministry is obviously determined to tell the NZ public any lie it has to to cover up its fundamentally flawed policy - one that it is politically committed to protecting at any cost. Both National and Labour have been committed to perpetrating the great lie about fluoridation for 50 years. Obviously they won't stop lying until they are forced to" observes Mr Atkin.
Infant Formula & Fluoride Don't Mix
New York - April 05, 2004 - Infant formulas prepared with fluoridated
water increase dental fluorosis risk, according to a research published
in the April 2004 Journal of the American College of Nutrition(1) and
other studies.
"Very young infants are unlikely to benefit from the caries-prevention
effects of fluoride," said Dr. Teresa A. Marshall, co-author of the
study reported Reuters Health. "They may be at increased risk of dental
fluorosis." (1a)
To prevent this tooth staining, researchers caution against mixing
infant formulas with fluoridated water.
Fluorosis, white-spotted, yellow or brown stained, sometimes pitted or
crumbly teeth, is the too-late warning sign that babies overdosed on
fluoride, creating a new lucrative market for dentists - covering up
those fluorosed teeth(6). Neither a nutrient nor essential to health,
fluoride, can also damage bones.(1b)
Up to 63 percent of children living in optimally fluoridated areas
(from 0.7-1.2 parts per million, ppm) show fluoride overdose symptoms
as dental fluorosis according to Beltran-Aguilar and colleagues in
"Prevalence and trends in enamel fluorosis in the United States from
the 1930s to the 1980s. reported in the Journal of the American Dental
Association (13)
Researchers Marshall and colleagues found more fluorosed teeth in
children who consumed the most fluoridated water either alone or
through infant formulas(1).
Researchers, Brothwell and Limeback, urge breastfeeding, or mixing
infant formula with non-fluoridated water, to avoid dental fluorosis,
in a November 2003 Journal of Human Lactation study. They found three
times more fluorosis in children consuming 1 milligram per liter
fluoridated water compared to those who drank non-fluoridated water.(2)
Breastfeeding does not increase cavity risk, according to a recent
Journal of the American Dental Association study(3).
Researcher Mascarenhas also advised parents to avoid fluoridated water
for infant formula preparation to prevent fluorosis, in a 2000
Pediatric Dentistry study(4)
At least eleven other studies link reconstituted formula with
This news release was first issued April 2004. Two years later, November 2006, the American Dental Association
finally advised that fluoridated water should not be mixed with infant formula. Oddly, instead of being the leader,
the U.S Centers for Disease Control followed on the ADA's heels with their own warning.
However, the Academy of General Dentistry, who does not as zealously
promote fluoridation, recommends against mixing infant formulas with
fluoridated water.(6a)
Formula prepared with optimally fluoridated water provides 100 times
more fluoride than the amount in breast milk(7). And newborns do not
have "fully developed renal handling capacity for fluoride at this
early stage of life..."(8) which can lead to dangerous bone-fluoride
build up and more.
Not only is infant fluoride intake risky, it's unnecessary. According
to the CDC, "Fluoride works primarily after teeth have erupted?"(9).
Further, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration never safety-tested
fluoride for ingestion(10).
In 2000, after extensively reviewing fluoride and health studies, a
panel of British scientists report, "We were unable to discover any
reliable good-quality evidence in the fluoridation literature
world-wide,"(11) despite incorrect news reports disseminated by
prominent fluoride proponents about this review(12).
1) "Associations between Intakes of Fluoride from Beverages during
Infancy and Dental Fluorosis of Primary Teeth,"
1a) "Too Much Fluoride May Harm Babies' Teeth," Reuters Health, May 5,
1b) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, "Public Health
Statement for Fluorides, Hydrogen Fluoride, and Fluorine"
2) "Breastfeeding is protective against dental fluorosis in a
nonfluoridated rural area of Ontario, Canada"
3) "The relationship between healthful eating practices and dental
caries in children aged 2-5 years in the United States, 1988-1994"
4)"Risk factors for dental fluorosis: a review of the recent
6) "Using microabrasive material to remove fluorosis stains"
7) The Ecologist, 1986, Volume 16 "Fluoride: New Grounds for Concern,"
By Mark Diesendorf and Philip R.N. Sutton
8) Caries Research 1984 "Fluoride Balance Studies on Infants in a
1-ppm-water-fluoride area" by Ekstrand J, Hardell LI, SpakCJ
9) U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
10) Suite 101 - Fluoridation - includes e-mail correspondence between
Suite 101 author and the FDA "Fluoride - Not FDA Approved for
Ingestion," March 21, 2004
11) "What the 'York Review' on the fluoridation of drinking water
really found," 28 October 2003, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination,
University of York, York, UK
12) National Center for Fluoridation Policy & Research and Oral Health
America's Center for Fluoridation,
Michael W. Easley, D.D.S., M.P.H.; Director
(13) Prevalence and Trends in Enamel Fluorosis in the United States
>From the 1930s to the 1980s Beltr=E1n-Aguilar E.D., Griffin S.O.[2],
Lockwood S.A., The Journal of the American Dental Association, February
2002, vol. 133, no. 2,pp. 157-165
SOURCE: New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation
FluorideNews, at 19 March, 2007
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