Ireland - Green Party would stop fluoridation.

13/03/2007 - 11:33:18
The Green Party today said that it would stop the fluoridation of Irish water supplies if elected to Government.
Health spokesperson John Gormley TD said that water fluoridation had reached its sell-by date and that the latest international research meant that fluoridation was no longer tenable.
Speaking at a press conference in Dublin, Deputy Gormley said: "The latest advice from the American Dental Association tells parents to avoid using fluoridated water when bottle feeding babies because of the dangers of fluorosis – the staining and pitting of teeth which can result from overexposure to fluoride. This advice should be heeded. The balance of international evidence proves that water fluoridation should be stopped immediately.
I became interested in this issue after my wife discovered that health symptoms which appeared since moving to West Cumbria (which has fluoride added to the water) disappeared after switching to bottled water. We have since met other people with the same experience, who felt hat something must be wrong but did not realise the problem was the drinking water. I have written an article about it at and am considering starting a local internet campaign to have fluoride removed from our water supply.
Unknown, at 14 March, 2007
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