Bolton - letter from Barry Groves PhD
Another anti-fluoride argument
By Readers' Letter
I SPENT six years researching the questionable practice of mass medication without consent that is water fluoridation.
That culminated in my writing "Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death?" There is no doubt whatsoever that water fluoridation is a dangerous, harmful process.Just to give one reason. Five years ago Dr Elise Bassin earned her PhD from Harvard University for her finding that water fluoridation increased the risk of a bone cancer, osteosarcoma, in boys. Although Dr Bassin received her doctorate for this work, her dissertation was suppressed for four years. But Dr Bassin's work also confirmed other similar findings. Because of a large study on rodents and epidemiologic evidence of an increase in osteosarcoma in boys and young men, especially in fluoridated areas, in 1992 Dr Perry Cohn of the New Jersey Department of Health surveyed its incidence in seven counties of New Jersey relative to water fluoridation.He found that in the fluoridated areas, the numbers of this cancer in boys was up to 4.6 times higher than in the unfluoridated areas. In a similar study of three New Jersey municipalities, the figures were up to nearly seven times as high in the fluoridated areas (the figure that Dr Bassin found).
Cohn also found that the general population in those areas was also five times as likely to suffer a cancer. Osteosarcoma is rare but it is the leading cancer in childhood. The question those who would fluoridate us against our wishes is, "How do they justify an increased cancer risk?"
There are many other arguments against this tyrannical practice.
Barry Groves PhD Chipping Norton Oxfordshire.
By Readers' Letter
I SPENT six years researching the questionable practice of mass medication without consent that is water fluoridation.
That culminated in my writing "Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death?" There is no doubt whatsoever that water fluoridation is a dangerous, harmful process.Just to give one reason. Five years ago Dr Elise Bassin earned her PhD from Harvard University for her finding that water fluoridation increased the risk of a bone cancer, osteosarcoma, in boys. Although Dr Bassin received her doctorate for this work, her dissertation was suppressed for four years. But Dr Bassin's work also confirmed other similar findings. Because of a large study on rodents and epidemiologic evidence of an increase in osteosarcoma in boys and young men, especially in fluoridated areas, in 1992 Dr Perry Cohn of the New Jersey Department of Health surveyed its incidence in seven counties of New Jersey relative to water fluoridation.He found that in the fluoridated areas, the numbers of this cancer in boys was up to 4.6 times higher than in the unfluoridated areas. In a similar study of three New Jersey municipalities, the figures were up to nearly seven times as high in the fluoridated areas (the figure that Dr Bassin found).
Cohn also found that the general population in those areas was also five times as likely to suffer a cancer. Osteosarcoma is rare but it is the leading cancer in childhood. The question those who would fluoridate us against our wishes is, "How do they justify an increased cancer risk?"
There are many other arguments against this tyrannical practice.
Barry Groves PhD Chipping Norton Oxfordshire.
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chris mark, at 30 March, 2012
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