After food, like it or not, your fundamental right is access to water. Unfortunately that was taken away years ago. What water you are drinking? Bottled? You may already know that much drinking water is treated with fluoride. Try this simple experiment as my friend in Tasmania did. Drink fluoridated water for about six months and, as he says, you will be close to heavenly day dreaming, just short of being high on marijuana. That’s how prisoners in Gulags were kept under control. That’s how all of us soon will be kept under control. Drink that water, or die of thirst! Unless you drink that water, Oprah Winfrey shall refuse to entertain you. And they already have the technology to know who drinks that water and who doesn’t.
Next comes air. Well you must be wondering if it is your fundamental right to clean air? Sorry sire. There is no clean air left. The corporatist-state has already taken that away. Over 2000 atmospheric testing of atomic bombs since 1945, and the use of depleted uranium tipped bombs and bullets in illegal wars of the US and UK, equivalent to the atomicity of 440,000 Nagasaki sized bombs, since 1991 has turned world’s air highly radioactive. Kosovo, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq. And depleted uranium was traced at Aldermaston by none other than Britain’s Dr Chris Busby, whose responsibility was to warn the Government of health hazards. Well, Dr Chris Busby did warn, but that was not proper entertainment for the MSM. Where was social intelligence? It was consigned to the living rooms, websites, personal appearances, small talks, radio shows and personal emails to hundreds of thousands all around the world by individuals like Leuren Moret, Doug Rokke, Dr. Marion Fulk, Dr Rosalie Bertell, and others.
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