USA - Dentist renews his call for town officials to treat water supply as way to prevent tooth decay

Now there are fresh faces on the Town Board, and a relatively new supervisor in Theresa Egan. So Hart, jokingly referring to himself as the "geezer" who keeps returning to talk fluoride, followed up his private appeals with a public pitch to the board last month.He received a warm reception. But Egan isn't committing to anything. Not now, or any time soon."We need more information," Egan said when asked her personal opinion about the issue. "I'm not a dentist. I'm not content with the information we just received in 45 minutes at a Town Board meeting. There's a lot of unknowns."National groups opposed to fluoride have blitzed Egan with e-mails since the issue emerged again. Fluoride opponents cite everything from safety concerns to dislike of "forced medication" by the government.
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