Australia - Weird ideas.
Ballina votes for fluoridation
SOON, every drop you drink from a Ballina tap will be one-millionth fluoride. And no-one will be happier than Dr Sue Page. In a passionate and lucid plea to Ballina Shire councillors last Thursday, the high-profile Lennox Head medico said fluoridating the water was the most affective method of protecting children’s dental health. "One-in-three men over 65 have no teeth and one-intwo women," she said. "This increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. "It’s hard to eat a crisp apple without teeth."
Ballina Shire Council’s vote for fluoridation of the water follows a push from NSW Health for local water supply authorities to adopt the measure.
During intense community debate, some residents have said fluoridation is compulsory medication. They fear the substance can cause cancer or other illnesses. However, Dr Page said the vast weight of evidence showed fluoride was safe. The only problem excess fluoride can cause is fluorosis: a cosmetic mottling of the teeth, according to John Irving, project manager for NSW Health’s Northern Oral Health Network.
However, Cr David Wright argued free fluoride tablets would protect both dental health and the rights of residents not wanting to drink fluoride.
The ball is now in Rous Water’s court. All councils, including Rous Water, have decisionmaking power over fluoridation.
Rous Water can fluoridate the bulk water it supplies to Lismore City Council, Ballina Shire Council, Richmond Valley and Byron Shire Council.
Or each council can add the treatment to its own supply — a move that is likely to cost a little more, said Rous Water general manager Paul Muldoon. So far, only Byron Shire Council has rejected fluoride, while Lismore has not decided yet. "Rous Water has the right to decide to fluoridate the bulk water, but we will proably try and work something out," Mr Muldoon said. "I think NSW Health is planning to talk to Byron Shire Council again." Nimbin, Mullumbimby, Wardell and Casino have water supplies separate from Rous Water. What do you think?
Phone 6624 3266, SMS 0428 264 948 or email
You can eat apples with false teeth and at least you won't have mercury in your mouth.
SOON, every drop you drink from a Ballina tap will be one-millionth fluoride. And no-one will be happier than Dr Sue Page. In a passionate and lucid plea to Ballina Shire councillors last Thursday, the high-profile Lennox Head medico said fluoridating the water was the most affective method of protecting children’s dental health. "One-in-three men over 65 have no teeth and one-intwo women," she said. "This increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. "It’s hard to eat a crisp apple without teeth."
Ballina Shire Council’s vote for fluoridation of the water follows a push from NSW Health for local water supply authorities to adopt the measure.
During intense community debate, some residents have said fluoridation is compulsory medication. They fear the substance can cause cancer or other illnesses. However, Dr Page said the vast weight of evidence showed fluoride was safe. The only problem excess fluoride can cause is fluorosis: a cosmetic mottling of the teeth, according to John Irving, project manager for NSW Health’s Northern Oral Health Network.
However, Cr David Wright argued free fluoride tablets would protect both dental health and the rights of residents not wanting to drink fluoride.
The ball is now in Rous Water’s court. All councils, including Rous Water, have decisionmaking power over fluoridation.
Rous Water can fluoridate the bulk water it supplies to Lismore City Council, Ballina Shire Council, Richmond Valley and Byron Shire Council.
Or each council can add the treatment to its own supply — a move that is likely to cost a little more, said Rous Water general manager Paul Muldoon. So far, only Byron Shire Council has rejected fluoride, while Lismore has not decided yet. "Rous Water has the right to decide to fluoridate the bulk water, but we will proably try and work something out," Mr Muldoon said. "I think NSW Health is planning to talk to Byron Shire Council again." Nimbin, Mullumbimby, Wardell and Casino have water supplies separate from Rous Water. What do you think?
Phone 6624 3266, SMS 0428 264 948 or email
You can eat apples with false teeth and at least you won't have mercury in your mouth.
This is so bad. Ballina held out for so long. There is somehting totally creepy going on in Australia. Every single region Australia wide which is still unflouridated has been "Hit" in exactly the same way and at exactly the same time (within a few months) to ensure 100% fluoridation of Australia...the island nation.
Last year or the year before and I have got to find out about this, all the state health ministers and the federal helath minister tony Abbott got togeteher and stated that they were going to work towards 100% fluoridation. ABBOTT is an incredibly intelligient man and he gets what he wants even if it is to be instrumental in having Pauline Hanson - who called our pollies out on many issues and David Ettridge framed and imprisoned (later released fully exonerated)A very bad man but unfortunately brighter than most of us.
Middle Child, at 30 May, 2006
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